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Business Platform

ASIC Service

Reduce design risk, Achieve time-to-market

Over 20-years' experience in various project development
Verified design flow, shortened design cycle
Powerful Project Management

Since its foundation in 2003, SEMISOLUTION has developed Application Specific Integrated Circuit(ASIC) for customers' various application fields and has completed about 200 ASIC projects until now.
Therefore, we guarantee a success story that meets the ASIC market trend of customer needs based on the history of project development with the leading system semiconductor design companies in Korea. It is possible to provide a process tech node suitable for each customer's project development and application field and customer can select Leading Edge Tech Foundry and Mainstream Tech Foundry processes.We support customers for their successful completion of SoC design development and time to market through proven ASIC service and various project management based on various project development experiences.

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시스템 구조 이미지


Level #0ASIC Service

SPEC In Service Model

SoC Architecture Exploration

SoC Integration & Verification

A customer can undertake a whole project according to the product specifications he chooses, from the design and verification of an early SoC architecture to its tapeout. It is because SEMISOLUTION’s unique and specialized platform-based ASIC services help the customer develop SoC design and products suitable for an applied area as he desires.

Level #1ASIC Service

RTL In Service Model

Customized Logic Design

FPGA Design & Verification

When a customer can design up to RTL, Semisolution will support next flow of ASIC development from design synthesis step. With abundant experience in project development, SEMISOLUTION will support product performance with the management control of the entire project development for required product feasures in the market.

Level #2ASIC Service

Netlist In Service Model

Customized Testability Support

Design Implementation Verification

Customer can undertake up to design synthesis, SEMISOLUTION will support next flow of ASIC development from DFT implementation and STA verification by testability criteria of required product specification. Then, SEMISOLUTION will guarantee the qualified tape-out procedure by appropriate verification flow for each project development stage.

Level #3ASIC Service

Post DFT Netlist In Service Model

Fast Cycle Time Support

Signoff Verification of Physical Implementation

Customer can understake up to DFT implementation, SEMISOLUTION will be responsible for backend layout flow by each unique signoff verification flow per layout stage to guarantee the risk minimization.

Full Custom

Analog Layout Service Model

Customized Service, Flexible Support

Risk Reduction

As for an analog application design, SEMISOLUTION takes full custom layout and verification flow using PDK provided by Foundries. SEMISOLUTION can support best product development by several experience and superior technology in project development.



사이트 정보

회사명 : 회사명 / 대표 : 대표자명
주소 : OO도 OO시 OO구 OO동 123-45
사업자 등록번호 : 123-45-67890
전화 : 02-123-4567 팩스 : 02-123-4568
통신판매업신고번호 : 제 OO구 - 123호
개인정보관리책임자 : 정보책임자명


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